This post was written by one of our psychics! Check their author bio at the end of the post.
During the weeks following Halloween, it seems that our interest in all things paranormal reaches an all-time high. As a medium, I specifically love the great energy surrounding this particular time of year.
Image source: Rishi Bandopadhay on Flickr
From the Divine perspective, Spirit is always drawn to curiosity and emotional openness, and, in this particular season, the curiosity for the Spirit World reaches an apparent peak. As a medium, I’m continually being asked, “Can spirits hear us on the Other Side?” I always love this question because it not only shows that new interest in spirituality is rising within humanity, but it also shows me that we all, as humans, have a great, inner need to connect with the world beyond.
The answer to the question is a resounding “Yes.” They can hear us. Why couldn’t they?
Image source: Mohammed Buqurais on Flickr
When a loved one passes from the physical body, or transcends physical perception, we’re left feeling unfathomable grief and a great sense of loss. As humans living in the physical world on a daily basis, we’re so accustomed to believing that the people we love are physical beings. Remember that nothing could be any more false.
Remember that we’re all spiritual beings first and foremost and that the physical bodies we see are merely temporal houses that will, eventually, pass away. I love to explain this truth in this way. Imagine having a conversation with a ghost. What would you say? What questions would you ask? Would you be afraid, or would you be intrigued? Would you ask questions concerning life on the Other Side, or would you try to explain details about your physical life to them?
Image source: Jim Pennucci on Flickr
As intriguing as the opportunity may sound, allow me to share a simple, universal truth with you that may serve to put mediums and the psychic arts in an entirely new light for you. Are you sitting down? Brace yourself, because you may find this shocking.
We're already talking to spirits every single day, and we rarely ever realize it. Yes. You read that correctly. Every day of your life, you’re speaking to spirits; only, you rarely recognize this because you simply see them as the next door neighbor, your mom or dad, your significant other, or the insanely sexy man or woman sitting at the end of the bar when you and your friends go out on Friday nights.
Image source: Clément on Flickr
You see, we’re spirits, first and foremost, having a physical experience within a physical world. When the body dies, we simply move on. It’s like moving out of your apartment into a much larger and more beautiful home, with lots of rooms and a backyard – only it’s much less stressful and, thankfully, there is no packing to do.
When you talk to someone you love every single day, do they hear your words? Do they respond? Do they show emotion? Do they have feelings? Of course they do. So it is with those who have no body, as crazy as the idea may seem to the natural mind.
Image source: Seyed Mostafa Zamani on Flickr
When you find yourself feeling the pain of loss that so naturally accompanies the death of the body of a loved one, remember that it’s not only alright to continue to talk to them, but, in all actuality, it’s what they expect you to do. In fact, wouldn’t it be rude to not communicate with someone that you love? For more than twenty-five years, I have had the tremendous honor of connecting individuals just like you to the Other Side. Of the countless thousands of messages that have come through during my career, one, eternal theme seems to run concurrent: communication.
Communication is an essential part of any healthy relationship, and it is in no way confined to limited, human words. As always, we here at Psychic Elements are here to support you in every aspect of communication; whether in this world, or the world eternal.

0 Responses
I have a picture if my mom in spirit