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Five Signs that You Can Predict the Future

predict the future

You may be able to predict the future more than you know.

predict the future

Photo Credit: d_t_vos via Compfight cc

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis tested volunteers in two ways. They showed them movies of various activities. The first test was whether they could describe what happened next when the film was stopped at different points. 90 percent were correct in their predictions. The second test was, again, stopping the movie but this time before an unexpected event occurred. 80 percent correctly predicted the new occurrence.

Professor Zacks, a member of the research team, explains that as we go through our day, we are always predicting the future in all kinds of ways, and we’re usually correct. And when we are correct, we experience it as a smooth flowing stream of consciousness, but whenever we’re wrong, the brain registers a momentary activity in the primitive areas of the brain as we assimilate the ‘unusual’ occurrence.

Another study carried out by researchers at Northwestern University in Illinois, the Università di Padova, Italy, and the University of California, compiled a test that measured body reactions just before being shown images. Some images were neutral; others were exciting. They found that the subjects’ physiological responses (heart rate, brain activity, and pupil dilation) would manifest up to 10 seconds before being shown a stimulating image.

These studies indicate that, even with the doubtful results being eliminated, a person’s subconscious displays an uncanny ability to predict the future.

Predict the future road traffic incident

"Wrong way!" Photo Credit: Daniel M. Reck via Compfight cc

The problem with these studies is they were only focused on the very immediate future. And while that can be useful for emergency situations – if your instinct suddenly compels you to change lanes on a highway, or even to leave it all together, it might be for an excellent reason – medium to long term prediction would be useful to many of us. So how can you improve your predictive abilities? Firstly…

Five Signs that You Can Predict the Future

1. You have been proved right many times when you have said ‘this will happen’ or ‘that will happen.’ You probably attributed it to good guesswork, but it was probably a deeper knowing. Pay attention to when this happens and make a note of it. You might be surprised how often you are correct.

2. You’ve predicted important world events, such as the election of President Obama or the Arab Spring. People who can do this are called ‘super forecasters’. Next time you are watching a news report on TV, try to predict how a given situation will unfold.

3. On a personal level, you have been listening to someone describe their life or a part of their life and you know, without a doubt, how this is going to turn out. You can’t tell them to their face because they wouldn’t believe you. Within a few weeks, months or even years, the outcome you ‘felt’ became real.

4. You just knew there would be a parking space right where you needed it, or the last tickets available right where you wanted to sit. In fact, that kind of thing happens so often that you accept that it’s always like that.

5. For some unknown reason you were thinking about insurance cover, perhaps about pet insurance or something, and the next day your washer breaks down, and you find yourself having to make an emergency claim. Your intuition was warning you that such an event was right up ahead.

Developing Your Predictive Powers

Your Emotional Antenna

As kids, we are never taught that our feelings and emotions are to be trusted implicitly. In school, it’s all about the facts. However, ancient man learned to trust his emotional response to any situation and acted accordingly. If he hadn’t, we wouldn’t be here today.

Your emotions shouldn’t be pushed aside whenever you have a strong feeling, whether positive or negative. Give them space, allow them in and pay them their due attention. Don’t let your logical, ego-based mind to undermine your subconscious.

A report at Science Daily said that trusting your feelings may help you make accurate predictions. They called it ‘the emotional oracle effect’.

Professor Michel Pham elaborates on the hypothesis. "When we rely on our feelings, what feels 'right' or 'wrong' summarizes all the knowledge and information that we have acquired consciously and unconsciously about the world around us. It is this cumulative knowledge, which our feelings summarize for us, that allows us to make better predictions.”

In other words, your subconscious, which cannot express itself through recognizable thought, can gather together all the facts, knowledge and ideas that you have experienced in the past and present them to you as a gut feeling.

Predicting the future

Photo Credit: Mr.Sai via Compfight cc

Play Some Psychic Games

In our previous article on psychic powers, we detailed some fun tests and games. Give them a go and see how you do.

Journal Your Predictions

Of course, the problem with this kind of presentiment is that although we might train ourselves to be aware of the signs, it is still difficult to be precise about details and timings. Occasionally you will feel certainty, but that is rare. The way to become more accurate is to pay attention to our bodies and the thoughts that appear to come from nowhere. Keep a journal where you can explore how events turn out, or why you might have felt a certain way about a set of circumstances.

Another way to learn about predictions is to make a note of what other people say. I bet someone you know is always pronouncing what will happen and to ‘mark my words’. Write it down and then go back at a later time to see if your friend or family member was right.

Writing it all down is important. Memory is unreliable, and you may forget what you thought or said. By keeping a journal, you can revisit your predictions and see if they came true.

If you'd like further guidance, contact one of our experienced psychics.

0 Responses

  1. I've predicted many things (that actually happened) in casual conversations with friends and family. But, I never gloat ("I told you so") and often my predictions are somewhat ignored or forgotten. Unrecognized I guess. It's kind of frustrating because I recall all of the accounts in in my mind and I know they were correct

  2. I was sitting in my bed with my dog and thought, “it would be horrible if my dog died.” A week later, he got hit by a car. I had a dream about my ‘parents’ fighting, the next day they fought. My friend texted me and said, “I have something to say.” I knew she was going to confess her feelings to me, and she did. I’m scared and I feel like I might actually have some sort of weak ‘power’. Sounds like bullshit, but I can’t stop thinking about it.

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