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When to End a Twin Flame Relationship

end a twin flame relationship candles

Twin flame relationships are the most wonderful of experiences, yet they are also one the hardest to endure. Full of contradictions, entanglement, lessons, and the deepest love you’ll ever have. Generally speaking, Twin Flame relationships are usually temporary. You’ll feel as if you are tearing your own heart out, but you know if you stay together […]

Am I a Witch? 15 Signs You Were Born To Be a Witch

15 signs you're a witch

You feel as if you are not living the life of the person you were meant to be. You are drawn to… something. You can’t quite put your finger on it. Have you ever considered the possibility you were born to be a witch? Here are the telltale signs that you are a natural witch. […]

Do You Have a Haunted Home?

In a previous post, A Ghost in My House, we listed 13 signs of a haunted home. In this post, we’re going to explain how to rule out natural causes. You will need to play detective and be determined to find what is behind your apparent spirit infestation and discover the real reason for your […]

7 Tips and Techniques to Boost Manifestation Success

manifestation success

“Not another Law of Attraction article,” you groan. “We’ve heard it all; we know about visualization, being in a state of gratitude, blah blah blah. It’s old, it’s boring, and it doesn’t even work.” We understand, we really do. It seems that the only thing that makes anything manifest is sheer hard work with a pinch […]

Stop Worrying Right Now!

stop worrying right now

Are you a worrier? Does anxiety prevent you living life to the full? Are your thoughts full of what might happen and what could go wrong? Is this the way you want to be? No…? So stop worrying right now! Easier said than done. Anxiety and worry are natural and everyone gets worried at some point […]

How Not to Fall in Love

how not to fall in love heart

Why wouldn’t you want to fall in love? I mean, isn’t it the best? The most exciting thing ever? Yet there are many reasons why someone would prefer to avoid the complications of falling in love. Let’s discover the reasons and find out how not to fall in love. Reasons Why You’d Prefer Not to […]

How to Access the Psychic Realm?

psychic realm 1

The psychic realm is not somewhere else. It is right here. There is no difference between the earthly and psychic realms. What is different is that, for most people, the psychic realm is out of sight and hearing. We can’t see it, although it is there and just as real as what we see around […]

Create Your Own Personal Deity

personal deity Diana

With all the accusations of cultural appropriation being flung around at the moment, it’s difficult to adopt a personal deity that doesn’t ‘belong’ to someone else. If we examine why people need to have a deity to worship, connect to, and align with, perhaps it’s just possible that we can create our own? Why Do […]

Healing Through Writing

healing through writing

Writing to let out feelings has long been a valid and useful therapy. Psychologists and therapists have recommended that people express their deepest feelings privately in writing for years now. Yet, healing the mind is just one beneficial effect of writing out the bad stuff. It’s been discovered that writing also helps the body recover from […]

20 Signs He’s Falling In Love With You

falling in love red rose

You’ve been seeing each other a little while. You are not a hundred percent sure how he feels about you, but things are beginning to shift slightly. You sense a change in him. You think he is as smitten with you as you are with him. So how can you be certain he’s falling in […]