Every person is not a psychic; every psychic need not be real, but they exist!
Every human being is different and unique. This difference can be on the physical or mental level. Few of us are born with special abilities known as psychic powers. They are present right from birth or can come later. It depends. But people with such talents are rare.
Before further exploring the signs you are psychic, let us first understand what psychic powers are.
What are Psychic Powers?
Psychic powers are the presence of extrasensory perception in certain beings. Some people believe that it is the sixth sense of a person. But the scope of the sixth sense is limited, but psychic abilities work beyond human imagination. It is a connection between the universe’s energy and human mental energy. In simple words, the human mind gets intuitions from the higher self or the universe in the form of signals, vibrations, or visual images. Sometimes, spirits also guide people to make predictions or uncover hidden truths.
Few psychics even claim that angels guide them to make specific forecasts or tell about a person’s past, present, or future. Although the force or power behind this unique talent in people is not completely clear, it is somewhat supernatural.
Let us move on to the most exciting thing about this article.
Signs to Determine If You Are a Psychic
You Can Sense Energies Around You.
Persons with psychic talents can sense different energies around them. They can feel various emotions simultaneously since they can tune into the energy level of multiple people at once. However, it leads to physical & mental exertion as it is not normal for the human body to experience various feelings simultaneously.
You may feel anxious or out of mind in a public place since many people with different energies surround you. So, most psychics prefer to live in a quiet and distant location from busy city life.
Don’t confuse the anxiety caused due to your introverted nature or any health issue with the one felt by a psychic. Both are different. A psychic can feel anger, happiness, surprise & more feelings all at once, making him anxious.
You are Awake in Your Dreams.
Have you ever observed your dreams? If you are a psychic, you may see an actual incident in your vision that is about to happen. In addition, you can also visualize the past experiences of your life or your close one’s life in your dreams. It is possible that when you fall asleep, your soul leaves your body and travels in the universe. It refers to astral projection or astral traveling.
You are Wiser than Your Age
A psychic can understand things more clearly than others, even very young. Do you feel like you can understand things far better than the people of your age? Do you visualize objects, places, or events without knowing their source? All it points towards the signals that you may be a psychic.
Old souls who have lived many past lives are the most common to possess psychic powers. Due to their past-life experiences, they develop claircognizance ability in their soul. With your unique talents, you can deliver psychic services to help people find solutions to their big problems in life.
You Experience Déjà vu
It happens with a few people that it is not at all strange for them when they meet a person or visit a place for the first time. They find that they have already seen that place in their thoughts or in a previous life or have known the person in advance very well.
If you experience this feeling, there is a high chance that you possess psychic abilities.
You Can Sense Danger
When you possess supernatural powers, the universe sends signals to inform you about a danger. You can even visualize a significant threat coming before humanity.
You can tell people you meet or know about the dangers that will happen in their life with accuracy. Using your innate skills, you can warn people about the mishappenings in advance so that they can find a way out. Sensing danger in advance is one of the best signs you are a psychic.
You Can See People’s Auras.
A psychic can see specific colors or light shadow-like appearances around people, known as auras. So, if you can see colors, lights, or shimmers around people, animals, or objects, it means you can see their auras.
Tuning to the energy field of a person’s aura, you can tell about their emotions, past experiences, current situation, and personality traits.
You Can Feel or See Spirits/Ghosts
Do you see a person after his death that is known to you or see the spirit of a stranger? You feel like you are just watching those spirits as you have related thoughts. But they are really around you, and you can even talk to them.
Sometimes, spirits try to communicate with you to send an important message through your medium. They may also want to deliver their message or feelings to a person linked to you using you as a middle person.
You Can Read or Hear the Thoughts of Others
A psychic can hear or read thoughts! Yes, it is true. A person with psychic talents can know what the other person is thinking or about to say.
If you are a psychic, you can hear the conversations going on in someone’s mind if they don’t even say a word.
Do You Want To Know You Are A Psychic Or Not?
You may find this information helpful in understanding whether you possess psychic abilities or not. But if you are still confused & need expert help to clear your doubts and reach a conclusion, consult the best psychic experts at Psychic Elements.
They possess years of experience and innate talent to help you walk through your psychic journey and gain the clarity you are looking for. You can also get a psychic reading if you need one.
So, get ready to receive the enlightenment to see your path clearly!
You can also book a live reading now if you want a direction in your life!